Monday, May 18, 2009

My philosophy on labour relations.

My philosophy, and the philosophy of the IBEW, is to seek out partners we can work with and then build good relationships. I look at our employers as partners, people that we can hopefully have a good relationship with in order to achieve the things our members are looking for.

This is different than the approach employed by some unions that look at management as the enemy. I know that a good relationship is not always possible – both parties need to want it, and if management doesn’t want to play ball, fine – I can do it the old way.

What about when a difficult issue arises, a potential source of conflict? I don’t run away from it – in fact with a good working relationship, it’s often easier to resolve problems. There is an effective approach I like – it’s to “be hard on the issue, but soft on the people”. By focusing on the real issues, and not taking (or accepting!) personal or “cheap” shots, I can achieve better results for my members.

The photo is of me talking to Gaëtan Thomas, the Vice President of Nuclear. I ran into him at the airport when we were both returning home from some out of town meetings. Because we’ve both worked to build a good relationship, we can discuss issues in a frank and open manner. It saves a lot of time, and often allows better solutions.

A great example of this is from several years ago. We had a number of long-term temporary employees and we had been working to achieve regular status for them. One night I happened to end up at a dinner, sitting next to Gaëtan. We ended up talking about the temporaries, and I was able to put forth the business case for changing their status. Gaëtan was interested in the points I raised and followed up by having his people look into it.

To make a long story short, that informal conversation started the ball rolling and many of those temporaries ended up gaining regular status. If I had tried to achieve that goal the old way – threatening grievances, work slow-downs, or writing nasty letters, I know I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. But by valuing the relationship, and treating the issue as a joint problem that we could work on together to find a solution, we achieved real results. A win-win result.

And that’s what it’s all about.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Local 37 helps students learn about opportunities in the skilled trades

Local 37, NB Power, and Women in Nuclear (WiN) were the title sponsors of the Skills Work! networking dinner that provided an opportunity for close to 100 female students in grade 9 -12 from the Saint John area to meet and network with a variety of tradeswomen from their community.

The event, which was the first of its kind in New Brunswick, gave the students a unique chance to learn about the skilled trades and technologies by participating in organized networking sessions with the 22 female mentors. Also in attendance were number of educators, dignitaries, community partners, business leaders, and parents.

The mentors were women working, training, or teaching in a skilled trade who shared their experiences and encouraged the students to consider the trades as a rewarding and challenging career choice. It was impressive to see that a number of the mentors were IBEW members - each and every one of them shared encouraging and inspiring messages that will undoubtedly help the young women make informed decisions about their future.

Not only did this event allow the union to connect with a younger generation, it really brought attention to the pride, passion, and professionalism of Local 37 and its members. By continuing to support events such as this one, the union can continue on it progressive and forward thinking path.

The dinner was organized the members of the Point Lepreau WiN chapter and Enterprise Saint John along with Skills Canada New Brunswick which is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to supporting the development of youth in New Brunswick. They strive to promote the skilled trades and technologies as a viable, first choice career option for young people throughout the province.