Friday, November 27, 2009

Be... in dis-grace

Had to post this! It's a great example of a creative way to express an opinion!

The video can also be viewed on You Tube at:


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What are members allowed to do when participating in the public debate on the proposed sale of NB Power?

Many members have been asking if they are allowed to participate in the protest rally or other public debates about the proposed sale of NB Power, and if so, how far can they go? The brief answer is that by all means, you can participate, within limits and by exercising good judgement. IBEW members working for NB Power wear "two hats" - they are members of the public service but they are also ratepayers and private citizens. As private citizens, on your own time and with your own e-mail or computer you can, and should, engage in the public debate about the proposed sale of NB Power. Having said that, there are a few guidelines that I want to pass on to members, because it is not "anything goes".

The following is a summary of a legal opinion from our lawyers:

"The brief answer is that employees are allowed to communicate their feelings as long as they do it in a proper way. Employees can’t do anything that could be considered a strike.

Employees may protest or rally, so long as their actions do not constitute a strike. They may voice their opinions so long as in doing so they do not harass or intimidate anyone, and their actions or speech are not offensive or provocative, nor insulting or embarrassing of the employer in the eyes of the public, not critical or insulting about the employers or managers, or disruptive of the legitimate business of the employer.

In short, employees may express their opinions as long as they exercise good judgement in doing so.

This is true online as well. Employees may voice such opinions in online forums. However, they should keep in mind that off-duty online conduct may be the subject of discipline. This could occur if the postings were offensive or disruptive (as above) or critical of the employer or its employees, or revealed confidential information of the employer."

So in practical terms, what does it mean? It is perfectly OK to say that you don’t think NB Power should be sold, and to tell the facts – that we already deliver the lowest cost, most reliable electricity in the region. It’s Okay to express opinions (like saying our thermal plants should remain in operation) and concerns (what will happen to rates after five years?). Keep it to reasonable debate, don't use personal attacks or give out business secrets (for example, the production cost for power at one of our plants) and you should be Okay. In addition, you shouldn't use NB Power's computers to send e-mails or post things online.

One of the most effective things you can do to express your opinion is to write your local newspaper or your MLA, and let them know your views on this deal.

If you write to your MLA, you should follow up by requesting a face-to-face meeting with the MLA (they are usually in their riding on Mondays). The executive assistant may try to brush you off, or offer to pass your message on for you, but insist they schedule a face-to-face meeting.
When you write to or meet with your MLA, the simplest argument is just to say that the electrical system belongs to the people of New Brunswick, and unless the people of New Brunswick vote that they want to sell it, it should stay in our hands. Regarding the debt, it is not a burden on the people of New Brunswick – NB Power generates revenue and pays its own debt.
In fact, NB Power has paid off more than $1 Billion of debt in the last five years and the various rating services say that the removal of the debt won’t improve the provinces credit rating. In addition, we have the lowest power rates on the East Coast of Canada and the United States and we are one of the most reliable. NB Power has been a key service for New Brunswick, paid for by New Brunswickers and it should remain in our control.

Tips on writing letters, as well as the e-mail addresses for local media outlets, MLA’s and members of Parliament can be found on the IBEW website in the "Take Action" section.

Members have been asking about the protest rally planned for Novemebr 17th at the Provincial Legislature from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm. I will be one of the speakers at the rally, and any members who are able to attend are encouraged to do so.

PLEASE NOTE: For IBEW Local 37 members that plan to attend the rally and do not already have the day off, please make sure to either book a vacation day or use banked time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Business Manager's video address about proposed sale of NB Power

IBEW Local 37 Business Manager, Ross Galbraith addresses members employed at NB Power about the proposed sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec. His comments also include the Union's position on the future of Dalhousie Generating Station.

You can also find the video on YouTube:

Members, we want to hear from you - if you have any questions or concerns about the issues surrounding this propsoed sale of NB Power to Hydro Quebec, please send us an email. We've set-up a special address:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Proposed takeover of NB Power by Hydro Quebec.

This past week, the New Brunswick government finally put an end to the speculation that had been raging for a week, and announced that they had reached a Memo of Understanding (MOU) with the Province of Quebec. If completed, the deal would see NB Power purchased by Hydro Quebec (HQ) with NB Power subsequently run as a stand-alone subsidiary of Hydro Quebec. Disturbingly, the deal also announces the intention to phase out Dalhousie Generating Station next year when their current fuel supply contract expires, and it also suggests that the other fossil fueled plants -- Coleson Cove and Belledune, may eventually be phased out as well. This news has had a devastating effect on our NB Power Generation members, particularly those working in Dalhousie, a town that has been hit hard by job losses in recent years.

My plan is to remain calm and focused on the job of representing our members and their interests. It's important to keep in mind that this is a MOU only, and the proposed deal may not go through - there are a lot of things that could scuttle it. Having said that, it's important that we are prepared for all possibilities - we need to cover the bases and make sure we are properly prepared no matter what the outcome.

To that end, our initial action of writing immediately to the Premier as soon as we heard rumours has paid off. If a sale does occur, we have already obtained commitments that 1.) protect the pension plan, 2.) offers employment to all current workers with recognition of their service, 3.) binds the new entity to our existing collective agreements and 4.) also maintains the bargaining rights of the IBEW members.

These initial commitments are huge for the union and its members (there are no protections in those areas for us within the Public Service Labour Relations Act) and they allow us to approach this from a level starting point, instead of having to dig ourselves out of a hole. I don’t think we would have had these commitments if we hadn’t taken immediate action as soon as we heard that a deal might be in the works.

In addition to the above, we have also engaged one of the best labour law firms in Atlantic Canada to work on our behalf as discussions on this move forward. In addition, I am also trying to arrange a high level meeting with Hydro Quebec (I have already spoken briefly with their CEO) in order to seek commitments from them in advance of a potential sale and to look at other options for our fossil fueled generating stations. This is just prudent insurance, in case a deal does go through.

I've also had discussions with senior management of NB Power concerning ways to minimize the impact to the workforce if a station closure does occur. They have committed that they will seek to introduce early retirement, voluntary separation and redeployment programs if it does become necessary to reduce staff.

All of the above actions are just some of the initial steps we've taken. We've got a lot of hard work ahead of us and we'll be keeping members up to date as this situation evolves through updates on this website.