Grand Lake G.S. is the oldest thermal plant in the NB Power system, and although it has been scheduled for closure, the final date (now set at June 2010) had been a moving target.
As a result, workers have had the multiple challenges of an aging plant that requires significant manual operation, reduced staffing levels as some workers were released for opportunities in other locations and significant uncertainty around the final timetable for plant closure. Despite these challenges, workers and management have shown their commitment to the principle that the most important thing is for workers to be able to go home safely to their families and loved ones at the end of each days labour. By working together cooperatively they have achieved this wonderful safety record, and they can be an inspiration to all of us.
To commemorate the special achievement of 10 years without a lost time accident, a BBQ was held at the local community centre for plant staff. At this event I was honoured to present the members of the Grand Lake Joint Health and Safety Committee (JH&SC) a framed certificate recognizing all Grand Lakes G.S. employees’ strong commitment to safety.
(Top: Grand Lake G.S. employees celebrate their achievement. Bottom: IBEW Business Manager Ross Galbraith presents a certificate of achievement to all employees of Grand lake G.S. Accepting on behalf of the employees is JH&SC Chairperson Kenny Fraser and the other members of the committee.)
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