Sunday, December 21, 2008

A sad day for all members of Local 37

Yesterday we bid farewell to our Brothers Randy Kingston and Fraser Trevors, who died last week in a motor vehicle accident while traveling home from work at the Belledune Generating Station. Brother John MacDonald was also injured severely in the same accident, and another person, Lawrence Breau died in the accident as well.

In the Union movement, we often refer to each other as “Brother” and “Sister”. At tragic times like this, it really drives home the point that we really are a family, because when a family member passes, we all hurt.

During my time working for the union, I have experienced many emotions – everything from happiness and anger, and everything in between. But I want to tell you that some of the most emotional days I have experienced, the saddest, have been when I find out that one of our members, one of our family, has been injured or killed. And this has been a really tough year for all of us – in addition to this tragic accident, we’ve had several members pass from natural causes.

I want to acknowledge the many people – coworkers, neighbors and friends who were at the funerals to pay their last respects. I was also very pleased that Energy Minister Jack Keir attended the funerals, as did members of NB Power’s senior executive – President and CEO David Hay, and Vice Presidents Wayne Snowden, Paul Theriault, Darrell Bishop, and Geoff Thomas.

Please join me in extending wishes for a sucessful recovery to John, and our deepest sympathy to the ones who are suffering the most – the families, coworkers and friends of our departed Brothers Randy and Fraser, and to the family and friends of Lawrence. Although we are all saddened by this tragedy, we cannot begin to understand the sadness that those who were closest to these men are enduring at this very difficult time, and our prayers and thoughts go out to them.

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